Thursday, 9 May 2013

dividing the spectrum

I have a friend, who believes passionately that the Bible supports the ordination of women.  If the Church were to hold a debate and vote on a position, he would stand up and take a pro-women in ordination position.

This same friend believes passionately that the Bible is against all expressions of homosexuality.  When the Church debates on this issue, he would take a strong anti-homosexual practice position.

In one debate, we would stand shoulder to shoulder in what we believe the Bible says.  In another debate, a sharp dividing line separates us.

It seems that where there is a spectrum of opinion, a single issue can divide or unite the best of friends.  What, I wonder, would Christ's response be to this?  I suspect we have answers in the letters of Paul with regards to contentious issues that promote quarreling and division, but would be interested to hear any views others might have.

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