Monday, 14 October 2013

In God's image

I am currently reading a book by Timothy Keller - "Every Good Endeavour".  It is a fascinating look at the place of work in our lives.

However, a thought early on in the book has inspired another musing.  In the early creation story, God created the earth and cared for it and rested.  He made mankind and gave us the responsibility to do likewise - create, care and rest.

When Jesus (God incarnate) came, he called disciples to follow him.  This was more than just a giant conga line through Jerusalem.  It was learning from him and imitating him in his way of life and most importantly, in showing the same love to others that God shows to us.

I find it incredibly liberating and refreshing to remind myself that as a Christian, I am in God's image and I show the world what it means to be Christ-like.  Of course, I am a flawed human being, but even in my weakness God can use me to share love with others.

So, remembering that you are in God's image, I pray that today you will remember that Christian life is not about rules, failings, hard work or always being right.  Instead, it is about reflecting the love of God into the lives of others.

Go forth and love well.

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