As Christians, we are called. Called to follow Jesus, the Son of God.
What does this mean, "to follow?"
I read it as a call to imitate his way of life - his love, his compassion, his mercy, his inclusiveness, his deep relationship with God the Father, his sacrificial love.
To me, this means we are called into an intimate relationship with God. Many of us don't really appreciate what an intimate relationship is all about. It means getting to know and allowing to be known. As a human, this means the honesty of allowing God to see the real me, warts and all.
It means turning to God for advice on all kinds of issues, small and large. It means reflecting on events, it means praying for loved ones (and we're called to love everyone).
It's wonderfully simple isn't it?
Or would be, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm a human being. You see, as a human being, I do some daft things. I burn korans. I burn Bibles that are not the King James. I picket funerals with anti-gay slogans. I write hateful blog posts about other believers. I preach from the pulpit about purity while returning home to my pornography addiction. I proudly support some causes while using that as an excuse to walk away from those who need my love. I always have my gun ready to shoot down any opposing views. I abuse others over the centuries and claim it to be biblically justified. I wrap up my anger and hate in the phrase "in Christian love". I destroy my environment. I try to denounce science. I block safety measures that save thousands of lives. I encourage suffering. I... cannot believe what I am writing, and yet I see it everywhere in every form.
What was Jesus thinking in asking us to represent Him on this earth?
And yet as a human, I also show love. I give of my time, talents and possessions to reach out to the needy in the world. I open my home to the homeless. I give a listening ear to the lonely. I touch the leper. I walk with the vulnerable through danger zones, knowing (praying) that they will not harm me, a white western woman. I am the man who stands before the innocent to take their unjust pain. I pause and listen and turn to see the child that no-one else sees.
And when I see this, I understand why Jesus calls us to follow Him. We are called to fill our lives with Jesus, so that our lives will shine a light in dark places and show people there is hope. And some of these dark places are within my own soul.
The temptation we as Christians face the most I believe is to retaliate against other Christians. We do so in anger at what we believe to be a misrepresentation of our Lord. Ironically, we are often attacked by others for the same.
And yet we wrestle with these words from Jesus:
"A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
There is no if, there is no but. It includes all our brothers and sisters. It isn't easy, but neither was going to the cross, and yet we follow Him.
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